
Zimbabwe telecom fees hiked

Licence fees for mobile operators in Zimbabwe have been increased to US$137.5 million for 20 years from US$100 million for a 15 year licence, as the government looks to encourage growth.

Nicholas Goche, the minister for transport, communications and infrastructural development, said Econet had already applied on the new tariff and been successful.

Goche said the reason for the adjustment was because the government wanted a clearer expectation of growth in the industry, reported the Herald.

“Comparative studies were also done, both at regional and international level, to enable the government to come up with an informed decision which meets government’s expectations but also allows for the industry to flourish,” said Goche.

Operators will also pay an annual licence fee of two per cent of revenue, and contribute to the Universal Services Fund (0.5 per cent of revenue).

Relevant spectrum fees are also required.

Goche added: “The scope of the licences will remain substantially the same as the current licence. This means the licences will cover the range of services that are commonly referred to as 2G through to 3G. Services beyond that will require formal licence adjustments.”

Goche said the treasury will be responsible to use the money in a the way they consider suitable.

Posted in: Telecoms

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