
Facebook allows pictures to be sent on Chat

Facebook allows pictures to be sent on Chat

Facebook users can now attach pictures on Chat, with analysts saying the move will benefit smartphone users but strain Facebook servers through increased data.

Through a partnership with Bing, users can now send pictures from the internet directly without the need to download them.

Social media strategist and Opinion Yetu chief executive officer (CEO) Stephen Odunga told HumanIPO the move could be viewed as a way of increasing privacy amongst users.

“It is now possible for users to share images without placing them on the public limelight,” he said.

Odunga added the new functionality would also allow Facebook to more effectively compete with chat apps such as WhatsApp, Snapchat and Viber.

“Chat apps are now in high demand and just recently we’ve seen a number of companies targeting such startups with offers of US$1 billion. All these startups are threats to Facebook,” he said.

Though the new feature will mean an enhanced experience for Facebook users with huge data consumption, Oundo said Facebook will face a need for more data storage.

“I believe Facebook should consider introducing cloud storage because with new inbox picture sharing users will tend to have more photos on their account. This is the same approach that Google have taken with introducing shared storage for email, Google+ and Google Drive where at some point users will share a lot of photos on Google+ which will require paying for Google drive services,” he concluded.

Posted in: Social Media

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