
Amazon updates Prime

Amazon updates Prime

Amazon has upgraded its AmazonFresh online shopping business following a half decade of trials to prime Members.

HumanIPO reported last week on launches to occur in the San Francisco Bay in 2013, followed by 20 urban-based rollouts next year, including non-United States destinations.

A 90-day free trial of AmazonFresh has now been launched to Prime members, who pay an annual subscription fee of US$79.

Trial expiration will follow with a Prime Fresh membership upgrade with a US$299 fee per year.

Whereas the initial Prime service offered free two-day shipping on millions of products, same-day overnight delivery can be expected from Prime Fresh for orders exceeding US$35 from more than half a million of products.

Despite the extra cost, Amazon believes the enhanced subscription will lead to more frequent purchases, Reuters reported.

Amazon’s extended e-commerce is competing with Wal-Mart Stores Inc., who has tested grocery delivery, as well as grocery chains such as Safeway, Whole Foods Market and Kroger.

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