
ICT alignment crucial to stay relevant – CSZ

ICT alignment crucial to stay relevant – CSZ

Zimbabwean organisations have been encouraged to keep updated with ICT to remain competent as part of the technology revolution in modern society.

Gilford Hapanyengwi, newly appointed president of the Computer Society of Zimbabwe (CSZ) and ICT professional, has spoken out on investment in ICT technology across all industries in the country.

He said: “ I feel it is high time organisations invest in ICT new technologies and staff training so that they become ICT conversant at all levels of the organisational structure,”The Herald reported.

Hapanyengwi said business strategies should link up with cloud computing to join the world’s progress, which could also save on infrastructural costs.

“ICT business alignment involves functional integration of the business strategy, ICT strategy and the organisational infrastructure thereby linking the ICT structure to the business structures and strategies while the ICT people’s duty would be to ensure that everyone at all levels of the organisation is ICT conversant,” he said.

Passionate about IT, Hapanyengwi has stepped into the shoes of the CSZ presidency, replacing Atwell Mukusha.

The new president aims to improve professionalism in the community and promote ICT appreciation from primary school level.

He believes earlier introduction of IT syllabus in schools can nurture skills and develop talent at an earlier age to the benefit of the industry.

The government and associated authorities will be working together to build up ICT skills for product development in the country, with heightened business integration of the organisation.

“My hope is to see the society fully integrating with the business community so that the world can see that as ICT personnel we can bring business solutions to organisations,” he said.

Widely experienced in the IT field, the CSZ president also holds positions such as director of ICT at the University of Zimbabwe and board member at Powertel and Trust Academy.

Posted in: Policy

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