Samsung, Kenya Law Reports and Strathmore University are to create an app enabling practitioners in the judiciary to access case law, the Kenyan Gazette and the constitution on Samsung devices.
The Kenyan legal profession will benefit from Samsung’s convergence technology systems following the signing of the framework creating a world class educational environment for students in the profession.
Robert Ngeru, Samsung Electronics East Africa chief executive officer (CEO), said services such as learning, entertainment, social networking, health and financial are all going digital, hence the need for the profession to do the same.
“At Samsung, our core business is apps and technology solutions, but we still rely on different stakeholders to help provide content; hence our interest in building a strong mutually beneficial relationship with Strathmore through our iLab partnership,” Ngeru said.
“Samsung recognizes the need for partnership because fast-growing portfolios of mobile applications would be fuelled by efficient developer ecosystem.”
Already Samsung has signed a deal with Strathmore’s iLab to help develop skills in students to build apps for the Android platform as well as carry out research in technology trends across Africa in an effort that will promote local technology entrepreneurship prospects.
“Our support will involve hosting commercially viable applications covering a wide range of categories on the Samsung Apps Store, which comes as a standard feature on all Samsung Smartphones. Apps offered for sale at the Samsung Apps store are priced in the local currency,” said Ngeru.