
dotAfrica announces reserved names list

dotAfrica announces reserved names list

African governments are to begin drawing up lists of domain names relating to topics of national significance to be reserved for their use only.

HumanIPO reported earlier this year on the extensive policy debate around the creation of the Reserved Names List (RNL), which was launched today and will be effective from September 15.

“We recommend that governments adopt a consultative process for developing a national list of reserved names,” said Alice Munyua, from the ZA Central Registry (ZACR).

“Once the process is complete, the reserved names will not be available to any other entity except the beneficiary.”

Each registered government will have a limit of 100 domain names, 80 of which can be reserved on the basis of geographical, cultural or public interest significance.

The final 20 reservations can be used to block domain names which inherently advocate prejudice, including names denoting ethnic, religious, sexual or political hatred.

dotAfrica is supported by the African Union Commission as well as the majority of the continent’s governments.

It is intended to contribute to the creation of a uniquely African presence on the internet.

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